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Join date: Dec 21, 2020


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I began learning Classical Guitar in 1975 when I was 19 years old. This choice was initially a financial one, a piano being out of reach. Also, my motivation to learn an instrument was primarily my ambition to compose and my earliest decent pieces date from about 1978. From that time up to about 1983 I wrote about 40 pieces. Some of these I managed to record to tape in 2010 which were subsequently transferred to CD. This all led to accademic studies with the Open University from 1984-89 which, while vastly increasing my knowledge of the historical and technical development of music (a subject in which I gained my only ever distinction grade!) also led me to try to apply this directly. This actually made it more difficult for me as my earlier compositions had been achieved from literal self teaching. I did attempt on a number of occasions to get some published but my only result here a short suite of three movements that our President John Mills asked if he could use in a teaching series he was writing for Guitar International; this appeared in January 1986. I even attempted to interest Julian Bream in one of my more substantial pieces when I met him with my father after a charity concert he gave in aid of the Salisbury Cathedral Spire appeal in 1985! In recent times my motivation to begin recording again has been stimulated by Chris Hales and his podcast Chris, who lives in Utah, USA has a passion for Classical Guitar (and horror movies!) and provides a platform for any original compositions for Classical Guitar to be heard on an international platform.

Now that I have retired from regular work I have far more opportunity to contemplate furthering my musical ambitions.

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